25 September 2013

Instruction writing and fractions

Today in class we were learning about fractions for maths. We made sandwiches with a buddy and then cut our sandwich in to halves and then into quarters. After we did this we had a picnic on the mat and watched the America's cup. Then we wrote some instructions for how to make a sandwich. Our instructions were:

How To Make A Sandwich

1. Get 2 pieces of bread.
2. Get a knife.
3. Spread butter onto the bread with the knife.
4. Spread jam onto the bread with the knife.
5. Put one piece of bread on top of the other.
6. Cut your sandwich in half.
7. Eat your sandwich.

After we made these instructions we got Mrs Macatamney down to our class to have a go at following our instructions. They worked. She successfully made a sandwich!

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