10 August 2013

The Wacky World of Science - Wednesday, Take 2

What happens when you add milk to a bowel, dishwashing liquid and then stir it up with food colouring?

You get a rainbow is what the Kowhai kids found out....

Step One: Add milk to a bowel.
Step Two: Add some dishwashing liquid.
Step Three: Put in some drops of food colouring - we put in four different colours!
Step Four: Mix it up with a toothpick.

Check these photos out:

This first picture shows the swirls that you can make - if you keep mixing it will eventually go brown. The orange dish was our first one we did as a class. We didn't add any dishwashing liquid so we could see what would happen. We mixed red and yellow - when we stirred them together it went orange straight away.

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